CONCR3DE offers a feasibility testing service where we determine your material is printable and whether the desired material properties can be achieved using binder jet 3D printing. Through years of experience and testing hundreds of materials we are experts in getting your material printable and advising on post processing steps. Are you interested in exploring novel geometries, using your powder waste stream as 3D printing input, or developing a new application? Get in touch with our material experts and we can help you out.

Flexible support to meet your needs

Binder jetting 3D printing is based on two key elements: a powder and a binder. The powder can be a mineral, metal, ceramic, or other material you want to bond in powder form. The binder is a liquid, which acts as an adhesive between powder layers. Powder is spread across the build platform using a roller. Next, the print head accurately deposits the binder liquid to bind the powder. After each layer, the printed object is lowered on its build platform by the layer thickness. A new layer of powder is deposited, and the process repeats. Unbound powder remains in position surrounding the printed object.
Binder Development Service
Each binder has unique properties in rheology, density and consistency, resulting in different behavior when jetted. Using a drop watcher, CONCR3DE can visualize and characterize the binder droplets exiting the printhead. By means of this service, we can control and adjust drop size, speed and shape to ensure printing quality and stability.
Application Optimization Service
Every time we identify a match between your application, material properties and our printer’s abilities, our team is ready to finetune the print process and its results to your objectives. Whether your case aims for cost-efficient production in terms of speed and accuracy or large-scale complex parts with specific properties - this service aims to let you reap the full benefits of our products.
Co-Production Service
Once your CONCR3DE large-scale 3D printing production ecosystem is installed and ready for steady output, CONCR3DE can continue to add value. If desired, we can forward third-party production requests we receive in your area, effectively providing you with local leads. Our team is ready and able to support you with material or project advice and pre-production testing - we are here for you.
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