Other Ceramics

Our scalable 3D printer range supports a wide and expanding range of materials, including technical ceramics with exceptional properties.
Our binder jetting platform enables printing in a range of ceramic materials that combine exceptional properties and detail with scalable 3D printing benefits for applications like household ceramics and complex investment castings.


This Brightorb material allows for 3D printing highly accurate ceramic investment casting molds with an exceptional surface quality.

Powder & Binder
  • PC1006 Brightorb Engineering Powder
  • BS1001 Mineral Binder (Aqueous)
  • SC1001 Silica Sealer (Optional)
  • Great properties for investment casting applications
  • Excellent surface quality
  • High print precision resulting in part accuracy
Application Examples
  • Investment Casting
  • Armadillo Blue
  • Elephant Blue
  • Armadillo White
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This material enables 3D printing this traditional ceramic, which can be glazed and used for highly detailed tableware and more

Powder & Binder
  • Customer Powder
  • BS1001 Mineral Binder (Aqueous)
  • High speed production with large capacity
  • Excellent mechanical properties
  • Can be used to print very large parts
Application Examples
  • High-end tableware
  • Sanitary ware
  • Armadillo Blue*
  • Armadillo White
* This printer-material combination is not a Plug-and-Play solution. The printer hardware is ready to print this material. Software settings vary based on the specific source powder. The settings are either available for licensing separately or can be customized to your powder by our team.

Bringing intricate design to life in stoneware was never easier than 3D prining this material, that can also be glazed after post-processing.

Powder & Binder
  • Customer Powder
  • BS1001 Mineral Binder (Aqueous)
  • High speed production with large capacity
  • Excellent mechanical properties
  • Can be used to print very large parts
Application Examples
  • High-end tableware
  • Sanitary ware
  • Armadillo Blue*
  • Armadillo White
* This printer-material combination is not a Plug-and-Play solution. The printer hardware is ready to print this material. Software settings vary based on the specific source powder. The settings are either available for licensing separately or can be customized to your powder by our team.

Powders & Binders

Customer Powder
PC1006 Brightorb Engineering Powder
BS1001 Mineral Binder (Aqueous)

SC1001 Silica Sealer (Optional)

Printer compatibility

Armadillo Blue (XL)
This printer comes equipped with all applicable add-ons for industrial and high-tech applications. It includes integrated NOAH control, the Reduction Insert for small prints, our printhead capping system to use fast-drying binders, and more.
Elephant Blue
This industrial production system boasts a print capacity of 1.000 liters per day and includes all hardware add-ons to efficiently print materials like Silicon Carbide at scale, with a print box measuring 1 x 2 x 0,8 meters.
Armadillo White
Consistently test with tiny material volumes, benefit from built-in hardware support for compounds that cure with heat or UV light, or analyze and adjust the binder drop size, speed, and shape – it’s all possible. Armadillo White is a researcher’s dream.

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Industry & High-Tech
Our industrial production solutions for ceramics offer a compelling case to swiftly create unprecedented part shapes while offering full flexibility while supporting sustainability in industry & high-tech applications like semiconductors, electronics, energy, aerospace and many others.
Binder jetting 3D printing is based on two key elements: a powder and a binder. The powder can be a concrete, metal, ceramic, or other material you want to bond in powder form. The binder is a liquid, which acts as an adhesive between powder layers.
Print your own materials
Our team of binder jetting experts is ready to enable you to use your own powder-based material for printing. We can either test your powders with existing binders, or even create unique combinations with custom binders. We strive to deliver the material you are looking for in an optimized printing and scalable production process.
Learn more about the process of 3D printing materials like Silicon Carbide in our Publication Library. We aim to share our knowledge in order to inspire others and together further advance the possibilities of sustainable production using our technology.
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Our experts will gladly advise you on the available options.

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